John 20:1 - 18
On that first Easter morning, Mary,Peter and the other disciple all acted toward Jesus as if he was dead. There previous experience pointed to one inescapable conclusion, that they expected to see the tomb closed and to know that the body of Jesus was safely inside, wrapped and anointed for death. But that is not the way of the expectation shaking God. Instead of death, what greeted them that morning was life. Life that confounded expectations and which today continues to confound expectations.
In our world there is so such much that robs us of hope and we think that things will only get worse. We think this based on our previous experiences. But the truth of the resurrection means that God works in marvellous ways in our world today. When all we see is hopelessness, death and black endings, God can and will bring about hope, life and new beginnings. We need the ears of faith, like Mary, to hear our master speak in the middle of our hopelessness.
What signs of resurrection life do you see today for our world, church and for yourself?