Today is a great day! I have the privilege
of regularly attending all three worship services here at Emmanuel. In doing
this I can honestly say that I have come to appreciate the different ways all
three services help me to come before the presence of God. We are a diverse
congregation so it’s no surprise there is a variety in our preference of
worship styles.
It’s ok to feel more comfortable worshiping
in one service over another but it’s really important that from time to time we
gather together, as a whole community to worship God in one time and place.
When we do this we are reminded that ultimately worship is not so much about what
we do but why we do it.
In our purpose we have identified worship
(Exalt) as an important part of growing as disciples of Jesus Christ. William
H. Willimon is someone who I have found to be very helpful in articulating the
nature and purpose of worship. Here is some of what he has to say;
Christian faith is a matter of God’s offer of love in Christ and our response
to that love. We respond to God’s love with our loving acts of service toward
those in need in the church and in the world. And yet we respond to God’s love,
not only by loving deeds of service to others, but also by simply doing the
things we do for God because God is God and we are God’s children. We are
called not simply to obey God but also to glorify God. Above all, we are called
to enjoy God. We are called to worship.
is not love if it is simply a matter of obeying rules, running errands, and
performing duties. Some things we do just because we enjoy being in the
presence of our loved one. So we sing songs, write poetry, dance, clap our
hands, share food, or simply prop up our feet and do nothing but enjoy being
with one another. In these purposeless moments of sheer enjoyment, we come very
close to what love is all about.
someone asked a Christian, “What’s the purpose of your worship? Why do you
gather on Sunday and sing songs, dress up, kneel, march in processions, clap
your hands, shed tears, speak, eat, and listen?” We could only say, “Because we
are in love.” (
Today is a great day because we have
gathered together as one body to declare our love for God, and in doing so we
affirm our unity in Christ.
Grace and Peace