Thursday, March 14, 2013

Ministers Desk 17th March 2013

In the lead up to Easter we have a task to promote our Easter services in our local community.


Our congregation has received 3000 postcards that need to be delivered in our local area.  This is a low risk, high visibility of way of letting people know about our worship services and to encourage them to attend and hear the good news of the death and resurrection their saviour.


These postcards need to be delivered into people’s letter boxes within the next two weeks.


1.                  Bundles of postcards are on the table in the foyer.  Each bundle contains about 50 postcards, take as many bundles as you are willing to deliver.

2.                  On the street map, also on the table, mark off the streets where you will make deliveries.  Doing this ensures that we don’t double up on deliveries. 

3.                  If the streets that you live in are already taken, consider driving to another area, parking the car and then walking around the streets and delivering.

4.                  As you walk and deliver postcards, pray for the people who live in the houses.  Pray that they will respond to the invitation of the postcards and that they will find themselves in church and hear the good news of Jesus. 

5.                  Return any unused cards to the church, or collect more cards if you run out.


You can also use the cards to give to your Brian (a pre-Christian friend that you’re intentionally sharing faith with) and invite them to worship with you over Easter.  There is great value in making a personal invitation.


Thank you for sharing in this important outreach opportunity.


Grace and peace


David Fender 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ministers Desk 10th March 2013

One of our congregation’s Core Values is Intentional Outreach.  We say that “we value serving generously and sharing the gospel locally, nationally and internationally, as called by Christ.” 


The authority for the church to be involved in outreach is founded in the truth that God has a clear word to communicate to the world. The Bible’s revelation of God, both old and new testaments points to a God who reaches out and draws humans into a deep and personal covenant relationship with him. 

·       Adam and Eve

·       Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

·       Moses and the Israelites in Egypt

·       The Israelites who wander in the desert

·       The Israelites when they constantly sin

·       The Israelites in exile

·       Jew and Gentile through the ministry of Jesus Christ.

·       Gentiles through the missional journeys of Paul


To know God is to know a God who calls people into relationship with him.  To follow Jesus Christ is to participate in a lifestyle that calls others into a relationship with him.  Outreach though is not something that we do as an activity apart from Christ.  Outreach is our participation in the saving work of God. 


Intentional means that we are being deliberate and focussed on what we are doing.  Outreach means that we are reaching out beyond those who already know Jesus as Lord and Saviour and telling and showing others the good news of Jesus who wants to be Lord of their life. 

Intentional Outreach therefore encompasses a very wide range of activities, things done together in groups, acts of service undertaken individually and faith sharing relationships.  What they all have in common is our intentional decision to make Christ known through what we are doing.  When Christ calls us to discipleship he makes it very clear that the call is to outreach, to make him known to all people.  Matthew 28:16 – 20 puts this call very bluntly.  The question for us is not whether or not we’re involved in outreach, but how we will do it.


Our purpose (Growing Disciples who Exalt, Explore, Embody, Engage) challenges each of us to have at least one intentional relationship with a pre-Christian friend where we are able to share the gospel.  How are you doing with this?  Is there someone in your life that you’re intentionally sharing the gospel so that they too may know the good news of Jesus Christ?


Grace and peace