Wednesday, May 29, 2013

ministers desk 2nd June

Last week I started updating you on some of the responses of the Church Council from the small group discussions at the congregational meeting in March.  I said last week that we received some helpful insights through these groups and we thank people for their participation. 


Explore Groups – the early church, as reported in the book of Acts, experienced amazing numerical and spiritual growth.  Acts 2:42 tells us that “the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the community, to their shared meals, and to their prayers.”  Put another way they experienced authentic Christian community.  At the congregational meeting it was reported that some people found authentic community in settings other than Explore Groups.  We are glad that this happens.  Humans are made for relationships and therefore need authentic relationships with others.  Our Explore Groups add an extra dimension to life, this comes through our study of the bible and applying that to our daily lives, so that we reflect Christ’s kingdom in the world.  Church Council and the Explore Group committee will find new ways to help people participate in groups where they can experience authentic Christian community.


Strategic mapping – it was noted at the meeting that our purpose has not been embedded in all the groups and activities of our church.  When the purpose was adopted by the congregation in 2011 it was agreed that this would be a purpose that would shape all the aspects of our congregational life.  During 2012 and now into 2013 attention has been placed on helping the congregation understand the implications of the purpose.  Attention is now starting to be placed on how it is expressed.  It was noted in the meeting that people are often unwilling to do something out of their comfort zone.  This is certainly true.  However, we can never forget that we are not asked to step out on our own, we are invited to join Jesus on a journey of faith.  The story of Peter walking on the water reminds us that when we take our eyes off Jesus and see the storm around us that we can sink.  Yet Jesus never lets us down, he will always keep us safe when we step out in faith.  Growing Disciples are people who are learning to trust Jesus more and see the dangers around them less.


Treasurer – the Treasurer reported that a barrier to our finances is a “maintenance mentality” where people respond generously when specific needs are identified, but are not as forth coming at other times.  The small group agreed with this barrier and that it restricts future opportunities.  More effort will be directed to identifying the financial needs that face the congregation and our outside mission partners.  We will also continue to raise the biblical model of stewardship that sees all our money belonging to God and that when we give we release back to God what was his in the first place. 


The Church Council will continue to act on the feedback that has been and will be received.  If you’d like to talk more about these issues, please contact the relevant Team Leader identified on the back page of the notice sheet.


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Ministers Desk 26th May

On 24 March we held our congregation’s Annual General Meeting.  At this meeting we received reports from the Church Council team leaders and spent time in small groups discussing some aspects of these reports.  At its meeting on Monday 20 May the Church Council reviewed the feedback that was provided by the small groups.  We appreciated the useful insights that were shared about the activities of the congregation.  Team leaders have already and will continue to work on the areas that were shared.  I’d like to discuss a few of them here. 


Pastoral Care – in recent weeks the Pastoral Care team have written about how they are responding to the feedback.  For many years now we have had a consistent model of pastoral care, but we are aware that some people may still not fully understand how this system works.  We will seek to find other ways to communicate the way the system operates.


Worship – each of our worship services are led by people who are gifted and called to this ministry.  We thank and appreciate those who lead through music, bible reading, prayer, drama and preaching.  It was expressed that it would be good to have more people participating in leadership of the 9:30 service.  The worship teams have been actively seeking to involve more people this year.  However, we recognise that the area in which we desperately need more people involved is in the leadership of Kidzone and the Sunday Morning Youth Explore Group.  For the sake of our youngest disciples we need creative, passionate and called leaders for this group.  If God is calling you to this ministry, please speak to Harlee or myself.


Time and Priorities – through the responses to a number of groups the issue of lack of time to participate in church activities was noted.  The busyness and competing demands that many of us face is a growing and real pressure.  With the increasingly frantic pace that some people are living their lives, the way we do church is naturally going to have to change.  Some responses that would be worthwhile addressing include:

·         Our relationship with God should be our top priority. The first commandment is “You shall have no other gods before me” (Ex 20:3).

·         The value we see in something determines in a large degree the priority that we will give to something.

·         Faith should be the mortar that binds our life together, not a separate aspect of life.

·         Our faith transforms the way we allocate time and give ourselves to the service of other people. 

·         A healthy spiritual life is lived primarily away from the gathered congregation where we can be salt and light.

·         Our purpose as a church is not to get more people to do more things, but to allow the Spirit to grow us evermore like Jesus Christ with his love and compassion for all people.


Thank you to those who participated in the small groups.  In the coming weeks I’ll write more about this.


Grace and peace

David Fender

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Ministers Desk 19th May

A key part of our purpose of Growing Disciples who Exalt, Explore, Embody, Engage is the area of evangelism.  When we speak about engage we each seek to ensure that we have at least one intentional relationship with a pre-Christian in which we share our faith, believing the God will lead that person to faith in him.


So that we can be equipped in living out the Great Commission, our church is developing a library of books, studies and resources to use.  The latest resource we have is a small group resource called Starting Point: find your place in the story.  Starting point is a workbook and audio CD that can be used in faith sharing.  It is most useful for sharing with either seekers who are interested in a relationship with Jesus; people who are new to faith or people who have walked away from faith and are returning to their Jesus.


It is a resource that you use with another person.  In the group setting a safe place is developed where pre-Christians can ask questions about God, the bible and faith and learn about what it means to be a Christ follower.  If you were to use this resource with your Brian (pre-Christian friend) the book and CD would provide the teaching material and you would only need to add your personal experience and testimony.  Please consider using this resource if you think it might help someone who is searching for answers about Christianity.  It will be kept in the church library in the foyer with the other evangelism resources.


On a totally different, note I want to give you an update on our finances.  Up until the end of April 2013, our Treasurer advises that we are $3 400 ahead of budget.  However this is not all good news.  We our $2 000 behind where we were at this point last year.  Information to take note of from the accounts is:

* The savings we are making since we have not yet replaced Wendy Shurey.  The money that we would have paid in wages is being transferred into our Future Ministry Reserves.

* Some expense items have been slightly lower than budget.

* The Friendship Group has transferred $2 000.  We thank them for this transfer.

* Of most concern is a shortfall in Offerings, especially $2 600 in Envelopes and $1 200 in Open Plate.  Direct Credit Offerings have held up well.  This is an encouragement for all of us to consider switching to Direct Giving.  Forms are available in the foyer or you can speak to Barry Jardine (3353 4551).

* From the beginning of May we will begin incurring an additional $1 000/month (approx.) which we had not budgeted for.  This is the difference between the actual rent paid on Harlee’s house and the amounts that we had budgeted as Manse repayments and maintenance, on the assumption that we would have bought a new manse by now.



MInisters Desk 12th May

The Scripture Union website says “SU QLD Chaplains provide spiritual, physical and emotional support to school communities. They are in the prevention and support business: helping students find a better way to deal with issues ranging from family breakdown and loneliness to drug abuse, stress and anxiety. They provide a listening ear and a caring presence for kids in crisis and those who just need a friend. They also provide support for staff and parents in school communities.”


The SU website goes on to say that children and young people need help.  “More than ever before, Australian children are experiencing family problems, confusing relationships, friendship issues, peer pressure, self-esteem issues, bullying and depression.


Our teenagers have their own unique issues. Teenage abortion rates are too high. Teenagers are binge drinking more than ever. More young people today are self-harming. Too many young people are experiencing mental health problems.


At certain times in their lives, children and young people of all ages will feel lonely, hopeless, confused, misunderstood and helpless. In all of these times, the guidance of a mature, caring and supportive adult can greatly assist a child’s capacity to cope.


In Australian schools today, there are a variety of welfare services available to students. The services of our nation’s school chaplains complement other services in schools, such as those offered by guidance officers, counsellors, youth support coordinators, nurses and police officers.”


In our local area we there are chaplains at Enoggera, Mitchelton and Grovely State Schools and Mitchelton and Everton Park High Schools.  Members of our congregation support these chaplains financially and through serving on Local Chaplaincy Committees.  During May each one of us will have an opportunity to support these chaplains.  In our 8 am and 9:30 am services on 12, 19 and 26 May we will be joined by the chaplains and they will speak about their roles and activities in their schools.


Your response can be to commit to pray for them.


You can donate money to support their work.  At any time during May you can place money into the offering bags, marked “Chaplaincy”.  If you want to support chaplaincy in a specific school, please name that school.  All other money will be equally divided between the schools.  You can also choose to give an ongoing regular donation.  Forms are available on the information desk.


You can choose to give time.  The chaplains each have needs for volunteers to work with them.  They can talk to you about this.


There will be a display in foyer to indicate your support.



Ministers Desk 5th May





Our Not A Fan series started on Thursday with the movie screening.  It continues for the next six weeks through worship, explore groups and daily journaling.  The series challenges us with Jesus’ call to discipleship.  If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow me.”  (Luke 9:23).


The series challenges us to move from being fans (people who cheer from the sidelines) to being followers (people who participate committed to the ministry of Jesus).  As you reflect on this message, please remember that this is not a choice of two absolute ways of being.  We are not either a fan or a follower.  The life of a Christ follower can be seen as a journey that leads evermore closer to God to be shaped and transformed by the reality of the risen Christ.  Therefore as you participate in the Not A Fan series please always keep in mind that we are being asked to take more steps on our journey of being a follower and being led further away from being a fan.  The Basis of Union tells us that we are a pilgrim people always on a journey toward God’s promised end.


Not a Fan has been deliberately chosen to complement our purpose of Growing Disciples who Exalt, Explore, Embody, Engage.  The purpose encourages each individual and commits us as a congregation to be people who are continually growing deeper in our relationship with God and committed to his way.  This is the message of Not a Fan.  Please be involved in this series in every way that you can.


Since late last year a committee have been actively seeking to buy a new manse.  They have identified the essential and desired characteristics and distributed this to a number of local real estate agents.  Having looked at over 30 potential houses, offers to purchase have been placed on 2 houses.  In both cases the houses were withdrawn from sale.  The committee is finding it difficult to find a suitable house, within a reasonable driving distance of the church (15 minutes), that we can afford (up to $550 000).  The outcome is that they may have to look further out, where prices will be lower or the church council will have to consider increasing the amount we will borrow.  Please for the committee and the work that they are doing.  Pray that they will be led to the right house that God has already prepared for us to purchase.


We continue to look for a youth pastor.  The position was advertised with a closing date of 26 April.  No responses were received.  Please pray for the next step in seeking someone to join our ministry team.