Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Ministers Desk 21st July 2013

“‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty” (Zechariah 4:6).  In this declaration from God we are reminded that the work of God’s mission doesn’t take place through our personal efforts, but through being empowered and equipped by the Spirit of God.  In moving toward our purpose of Growing Disciples who Exalt, Explore, Embody, Engage we recognise that this is a task that we are unable to do in our own strength.  We have been led to this task by God and we are reliant upon his Holy Spirit to continue to shape our congregation as a place where disciples our grown. 

In thinking about how we organise ourselves best for the ministry of God, the Elders have identified the need to have prayer teams to support each of the aspects of our purpose.  One of our Core Values is Fervent Prayer where we say that we value praying together and individually, recognising prayer as essential to life and our relationship with God.  A fervent belief and practice in a life of prayer releases the power of God within us and the congregation as a whole.

I’m therefore asking for people who are willing to be part of one of five prayer networks that we are going to establish.  The prayer networks will cover the areas of Exalt (worship), Explore (small groups), Embody (service), Engage (evangelism) and property and finance.  Those who are part of a prayer network will be asked to commit to pray regularly for the movement and power of God’s Spirit to work in that area.  They will pray for the people and activities involved and for the potential of what can happen in the lives of individuals and the congregation.  They will also pray against those things that hamper our mission.  At different times the Team Leader for an area will distribute specific prayer points. 

In addition to personal times of prayer, some of the prayer networks may choose to combine to offer prayer.  This may include coming together physically to pray together or it may involve committing to pray at the same time from different physical locations.  This can be discussed and arranged within the prayer network.

The funny thing that I find about prayer is that it is one of the easiest things that we can do in our discipleship and yet it is the single most effective thing that we can do.  But it is often the thing that we overlook in our rush to achieve outcomes that appeal to our sense of accomplishment.  Our Church Council commits time at each meeting to stopping our discussions and sharing together in prayer.  Each second month the Elders meet only for prayer.  Prayer requests that are offered on the Care Cards are prayed over by the Elders and others.  During this year we have had opportunities each month to specifically pray for the people and activities of our congregation.  Each week in the notice sheet we are encouraged to pray for the people and mission of Emmanuel.  Most of us have our own times of prayer and prayer is an essential feature of our worship services.  Prayer is part of our life as disciples of Jesus.  

Please consider being part of a prayer network and add this to your prayer routine.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ministers Desk 14th July

The Bible mini-series starts on Tuesday night, 16 July, at 9pm on channel 9.  This mini-series was first aired in the United States earlier this year and apparently “took the nation by storm.”  The official website ( says “The Bible is a ten-hour, five-week, TV series created and produced by husband and wife team, Roma Downey (Touched By an Angel) and Mark Burnett (The Voice, Survivor, Shark Tank, Celebrity Apprentice). For two hours each Sunday night in March, viewers will see some of the best-known stories from the Bible, from Noah's Ark and the Exodus to Jesus’ birth & the disciples. The final episode ….. will feature the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.”


The mini-series will re-tell many of the bible stories that we are very familiar with.  However, as Harlee has shown us recently, sometimes we haven’t touched these stories in many years and revisiting them again provides us with an opportunity to hear afresh God’s message.  Additionally, seeing and hearing the stories through a different medium gives us an added insight into these stories.


I have shared many times before that I firmly believe that the single greatest thing we can do to further our growth as disciples of Jesus is to read, study, learn and apply the teachings of the bible.  Our purpose as a congregation, Growing Disciples who Exalt, Explore, Embody, Engage, commits each one of us to continually be growing deeper in our relationship with Jesus and our expression of his kingdom in our lives.  Therefore I encourage each of us to watch this mini-series.  But more than that, there are other things that you can do to add value to your watching.


A daily bible reading plan has been developed to go with the TV series.  You can access this at  Or you can access through the app on your phone or tablet.


An Explore Group study guide has been prepared.  It is designed so that group members watch each episode and then come together and reflect on what they have seen and apply it in their lives.  If you would like a copy of the study guide please contact me.


You can use the series as a springboard into spiritual conversations with your Brians.  I am told that this is good television viewing, apart from the message it shares.  So, if the experience of the US is repeated in Australia, people will talk about the series in their workplaces and other other groups.


You may even want to invite your Brian to watch the series with you.  Make it a fun night.  Have dinner or dessert, have good conversation together before hand and then watch the show together.  Allow the series to present the message and then all you need to do is speak of why this is important to you.


Finally, you can pray for the impact that this series will have on the people throughout Australia who are watching it.  Pray for spiritual revival as a major network puts on a Christian show in a good time slot.


Grace and peace


David Fender

Ministers Desk 7th July

As most of you will know, each year the Moreton Rivers Presbytery runs the children’s holiday program Day Camp. For many years now Day Camp has been making a big difference in the lives of children across our community and this year was no different.


One of the constant themes in my conservations with both the children and leaders from Day Camp 2013 is that this year has been the best Day Camp yet. This is very exciting to hear and something that we can be very proud of.  I say we because Emmanuel has also has a long tradition of supporting Day Camp.


Not all of us were involved on site, but we were overwhelmed with offers for donations to craft activities as well as the all important ministry of cooking treats for the leaders to enjoy during their down time. On top of this there were a number of people who helped out greeting children and their parents with a friendly smile and a hot drink. I’m also well aware of the many people from Emmanuel who support this ministry in prayer.


Then there were of course the many leaders from Emmanuel who willingly gave up their time and energy (and being a leader at Day Camp requires a lot of energy!) to go out to the Triple C Camp Site and be with the children all week.


One of the privileges of my role here at Emmanuel is to travel with our young people as they continue growing into the people God is calling them to be. It has been great to hear the many stories of the wonderful job our young people did during Day Camp. As the campers returned home from their long day of fun I was thrilled to hear the excitement and passion in the voices of our young leaders as they shared what God had been doing throughout the day.


Often we hear stories of young people for all the wrong reasons so it’s important to remind ourselves of the good stories as well. The future is in good hands.


Well done Day Camp Leaders!


Grace and Peace


Ministers Desk 30th June

It has certainly been a dramatic week in Australian politics. In fact things got so serious that there was almost a delay in the State of Origin broadcast! Fortunately that crisis was averted, but if nothing else the events of the past week have sharpened our attention on the upcoming 2013 Federal Election.

In the ‘Statement to the Nation’ made by the first Assembly in 1977, the Uniting Church in Australia recognised that Christian responsibility to society is fundamental to the mission of the Church. It promised that the Uniting Church response to the Christian gospel would always involve us in social and national affairs.

To that end Uniting Justice Australia has produced a resource; 

A Just Society: your faith, your voice, your vote

This resource is an invitation to consider your vote in the 2013 Federal Election in terms of what we need to do, as individuals and as a nation, to ensure a just society – one that is focused on the good of all people and the planet, now and into the future.

It is not the resource’s intention to lead you to any particular conclusion about whom you should or should not vote for. It does not ‘rate’ the policy platforms of political parties. It seeks to explore the implications of the gospel for aspects of Australia's national life. It contains material to help Church members identify important issues facing Australia, listen to politicians and political parties with discernment, and cast an informed vote.

I have printed a small number of the A Just Society: your faith, your voice, your vote resource which can be found on the information desk. If these are all used then we can print more but in the interest of the environment I would encourage those who are able to please access this resource through the Uniting Justice Australia webpage - You can also find this link on Emmanuel’s webpage.

Grace and Peace




Ministers Desk 23rd June

Leadership of our congregation is provided by two groups, the Church Council and the Elders.  Each of these groups consist of members of the congregation who we believe God has called to this ministry, and whom we have elected to serve.  The New Testament speaks of the role and qualifications of leaders in the church.  The task of being an Elder or Church Councillor is one of significance in the life of the church, because they are people whom we have charged with the task of leading us into a fuller participation of Christ’s ministry in the world.  It is for this reason that Paul says to leaders to lead diligently (see Romans 12:8). 


The Church Council is primarily responsible for waiting upon God to discern and act upon his call on our congregation.  As the Church Council does this it facilitates the achievement of the congregation’s vision and mission.  The Church Council does this through prayer and bible reading, through discussion with each other in times of meeting and through the individual responsibilities members have as team Leaders.  Team Leaders therefore need to have both a long term vision for the direction of the church and short term management of the activities of the church. 


The Elders are responsible for spiritual oversight.  They meet monthly to reflect on the spiritual health of the congregation and our faithfulness to the congregation’s Purpose and Core Values.  Each second month the elders devote their time together to praying for the life of the congregation.  When fulfilling the role of an Elder, the person does not have responsibility for day to day tasks in our congregation.  All of the current Elders do serve in the life of the congregation, but not as a result of their call to the Eldership.  For over 15 years the Elders have not been responsible for pastoral visiting.  This role is entrusted to the Pastoral care team to ensure that every member of our congregation is active in caring for each other and therefore receives care from others.


The leadership that is offered by our Elders and Church Council members is vital to our life together as a congregation.  Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 5:12 – 13 “Brothers and sisters, we ask you to respect those who are working with you, leading you, and instructing you.  Think of them highly with love because of their work. Live in peace with each other.”  Please always remember them in your prayers.  Find the time to appreciate the work that they do, either by thanking them personally or writing a message.  A further way to appreciate our Elders and Church Council members is to honour the leadership that they offer as part of their discipleship. 


Together with Maureen Witheyman and Meredith Smith I will be in Noro, Solomon Islands from 24 June to 5 July.


Ministers Desk 16th June

In the coming weeks our congregation is involved in two significant outreach activities.

From Tuesday 25 June to Friday 28 June members of our congregation are involved in the Presbytery’s annual Day Camp.  Day Camp this year is being held at the CCC Campsite at Samford.  The theme this year is Be Strong and Courageous.  There are almost 200 kids registered for Day Camp from across the Presbytery, including 17 from our congregation.  Many of these children do not belong to church families and are connected with our church through other groups.  We also have 11 people going as leaders or assistant leaders.  Nathan Golding, one of our young adults is also one of the Directors of the camp.  That is a great effort and on behalf of the congregation I thank each of these people for the way that they are embodying their faith through service.

Day Camp is a great way to reach out beyond our congregation and share the love and message of Jesus.  Children have great fun in an outdoor setting.  Through morning and afternoon assemblies and daily devotions they hear the gospel message.  And as a result of the sacrificial love and interest shown by the leaders, assistants, helpers and directors, the children see real Christianity in action.  Parents will often talk about their children who sing Day Camp songs continually during the week and then sometimes for months afterwards.

We need many people to help make Day Camp successful.  There is always a need for people to be involved on the ground during the week.  But if you’re not able to do that there are other ways to help.  Prayer support is essential.  Please pray consistently before, during and after the Camp.  Donations of the following items are also needed:

• Buttons

• Lace off cuts

• Ribbon off cuts

• Home baked goodies for leaders

• Packets of fun size chocolate bars for leaders

Please contact either Helen Smith or Harlee Cooper if you’re able to supply any of these.


The other outreach event is a mission trip to Noro, Solomon Islands.  From Monday 24 June to Friday 5 July Maureen Witheyman, Meredith Smith and myself will be sharing with our partner church.  They have asked us to provide training in leadership, evangelism, sermon preparation and PowerPoint.  In addition we will spend time building on our previous relationships, worshipping together and experiencing life in Noro.

 The people of Noro greatly appreciate our partnership and value the trips that we make to them each year.  Please pray for the trip and the partnership that we are building between our two churches.