On Monday night the Elders spent time identifying the major issues that are facing our congregation into the immediate future. At this time when we’re discerning and nominating people to stand for election as Elders, I thought it was worthwhile to share these so that they can inform your prayerful discernment. The Church Council that we elect in the coming months will have to give consideration to these issues and how they affect our congregation.
Future orientated mindset – when thinking about our people, resources, building, infrastructure, systems and leadership, how are they setting us up to move into the future. This will involve consideration of future growth and needs, rather than reacting to changes that are forced upon us.
Koinonia – this is a Greek word that encompasses concepts such as community, fellowship, joint participation, sharing and intimacy. It describes the type of church fellowship that existed in the early church in Acts 2. Koinonia encompasses our pastoral care, group fellowship, social connections and a sense that we are the one Body of Christ moving and growing in the one direction. Koinonia is the work of the Holy Spirit.
Community outreach that brings people to faith – in and through our outreach activities we want to continually build relationships with people so that we can serve them, meet their needs and love them with the love of God, with the intention that in return they will come to faith in Jesus Christ.
Ensuring that we have a contemporary church culture that reflects the culture (including demographics and ethnicity) of the community around us – we have to be careful that we do not become isolated from our community, but that we continue to be relevant to speak the word of faith into our society.
All ages valuing spiritual growth – a disciple forming community places ongoing spiritual growth as its number one priority for all ages, from the youngest to the oldest.
Please prayerfully consider these issues and the impact they may have on our congregation, both if we face them and if we ignore them.
Please also take the opportunity to nominate people to stand for election as an elder on the church council. It is the responsibility of each one of us to participate in this process, because the Holy Spirit whispers through us as he reveals his plans.