Thursday, July 17, 2014

Ministers Desk 20th July 2014

Many people have commented in the past year that the pews are in a very poor state and that something needs to be done.  They are dirty and stained.  The foam padding has collapsed.  The material underneath the seat is wearing out and often falls onto the floor causing more work for those on the cleaning roster.  The immediate reaction is that we should recover the existing pews.

However, we are taking the opportunity to consider our needs for the next twenty years.  This has led the property review group to recommend that we replace the pews with chairs.  The chairs have been on display for the past couple of weeks.  They are solid and padded and most people say they are comfortable.  The chairs lock together and form a continuous row, almost like pews.  There is an option to get some chairs with armrests.

The advantages of these chairs include the flexibility that they provide.  The chairs can be moved to form seating for smaller groups, alternative seating patterns for worship services or removed entirely to open up the worship space for other activities.  The chairs can also be moved into other spaces such as the hall or meeting room to provide additional seating, thus eliminating the need to have many chairs that are unused most of the time.

Chairs will also have a more contemporary feel.  Where it does not compromise the integrity of the gospel, it is important that the church continue to keep pace with expectations of people in our society.  Doing so lowers barriers to them entering the church, hearing God’s message and responding to Christ’s transformation.  A verse that I continually refer to when thinking about our building is Peter saying “it is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God” (Acts 15:19).

Apart from these considerations, cost is another advantage.  We have a quote that says it will cost $20 000 to recover the pews.  This compares with $16 000 to buy new chairs.  In addition we might be able to sell the pews to reduce the cost further.

People have raised concerns about difficulty of cleaning the floor with extra chair legs.  Also, questions about where bibles and communion cups will be stored.  These are legitimate questions that can be solved by thinking of different ways of doing what we currently do.  Already practical suggestions have been made.  These concerns should not stop us going ahead, but cause us to recognise that some things may need to change.

After further reflection, the property group may make a recommendation to Church Council and this will be brought to a Congregational meeting.  If a recommendation to buy chairs is presented it will include a colour scheme that will be part of an overall scheme for the whole building.

In the meantime, if you would like to make further comment please contact either myself or Peter Cranna who heads up the property group.

Grace and peace

David Fender

Ministers Desk 13th July 2014

From the 18th to the 27th July The Presbytery of Moreton Rivers will be engaging with our congregation in a Life and Witness Consultation. This is a normal part of the processes of the Uniting Church and is regulated to occur about every 5 years. The Presbytery has contracted Carolyn Kitto from Spirited Consulting to undertake this process.

The consultation seeks to offer feedback and encouragement to the congregation and to its ministers and leadership. There will be a number of opportunities for you to engage.

Prayer – any focus on the mission and ministry of our congregation must be accompanied with prayer to seek God’s wisdom and guidance. Please pray for this process. There will be opportunities to meet with others to pray on Saturday mornings 19th and 26th July.

Interviews – Carolyn would like to speak to a wide range of people in the church to discover their passions and callings in life, their suggestions for the future and their hopes for their church and community. Interviews will be for 15 - 20 minutes. 

Group sessions – These are a number of 50 minute sessions with groups to explore the future of the Mission and Ministry of the congregation. The groups will discuss
·   The effectiveness of the Congregation’s Purpose and the ways it is shaping the congregation.
·   The sources of satisfaction in church and the future the church is seeking to build.
Group sessions will be held Friday 25th (evening) and Saturday 26th July (morning).

Report  - On Sunday 27th July  the report of the Consultant will be shared in each of the worship services. There will only be one morning service at 9.00am so as to enable sufficient time for discussion after the service. There will still be the 6.00pm service. 

To make an appointment for an interview or take part in a group session please contact Helen Smith in the Church office on 3355 2162 or .

Richard Robinson is coordinating the program for the Consultation and if you would like more information please contact him on email - or ph. 33512017.

Ministers Desk 6th July 2014

 From the 18th to the 27th July The Presbytery of Moreton Rivers will be engaging with our congregation in a Life and Witness Consultation. This is a normal part of the processes of the Uniting Church and is regulated to occur about every 5 years. The Presbytery has contracted Carolyn Kitto from Spirited Consulting to undertake this process.

The consultation seeks to offer feedback and encouragement to the congregation and to its ministers and leadership. There will be a number of opportunities for you to engage.

Prayer – any focus on the mission and ministry of our congregation must be accompanied with prayer to seek God’s wisdom and guidance. Please pray for this process. There will be opportunities to meet with others to pray on Saturday mornings 19th and 26th July.

Interviews – Carolyn would like to speak to a wide range of people in the church to discover their passions and callings in life, their suggestions for the future and their hopes for their church and community. Interviews will be for 15 - 20 minutes. 

Group sessions – These are a number of 50 minute sessions with groups to explore the future of the Mission and Ministry of the congregation. The groups will discuss
·   The effectiveness of the Congregation’s Purpose and the ways it is shaping the congregation.
·   The sources of satisfaction in church and the future the church is seeking to build.
Group sessions will be held Friday 25th (evening) and Saturday 26th July (morning).

Report  - On Sunday 27th July  the report of the Consultant will be shared in each of the worship services. There will only be one morning service at 9.00am so as to enable sufficient time for discussion after the service. There will still be the 6.00pm service. 

To make an appointment for an interview or take part in a group session please contact Helen Smith in the Church office on 3355 2162 or .

Richard Robinson is coordinating the program for the Consultation and if you would like more information please contact him on email - or ph. 33512017.