Monday, August 16, 2010

Grander Vision Living

Luke 5:1 - 11

Any fisher person, amateur or professional, would have to be ecstatic about the catch of fish that Peter and his mates caught after they listened to Jesus and lowered their nets.  But the great irony of this story, is that Jesus calls them to fish for something even greater and more important and that has a longer lasting impact.  This is to fish for people.  The call that Jesus makes to the disciples and us, is a call to a larger vision of what life can be like. 

In our relationship with Jesus we experience love, peace, joy and hope, we have a promise of the hungry being fed, the homeless finding shelter and justice being offered for all.  But for people to experience this life, and for this life to be seen by all, they need to be invited into a life transforming relationship with Jesus Christ. 

This requires a commitment and passion on behalf of Christ followers, to live with a priority for other people.  The call to fish for people is the call to place as our top priority being people who walk across rooms, develop friendships, discover stories, discern next steps and dare to believe that people will come to faith in Jesus Christ.

But it all starts with us having the passion and commitment to place loving people into the kingdom as our top priority.

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