Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ministers Desk January 29 2012

I’ve just returned from holidays, and whilst I had a great time away, it’s good to be back for another year.  I hope that you had a relaxing and refreshing time over the Christmas break and that you are energised for the year to come.

At the end of last year we adopted a new purpose, Growing Disciples who Exalt, Explore, Embody, Engage.  This purpose defines what we do as a congregation, but equally so, it places a personal imperative on each one of us to be more intentional in our following of Jesus.  A disciple is a person who has heard and responded to Jesus’ call to “follow me”.  In following Jesus they have committed themselves to walk in Christ’s way, to live Christ’s life and to share his love with others.

It is Christ who calls us to follow, but it requires our response, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to be disciples.  Yet the forces of evil can be very persistent in leaving us spiritually immature or content with where we have come in our spiritual lives.  Merely attending church, reading the bible, being part of a group or calling yourself a Christian is not enough to ensure that we are more fully becoming part of God’s kingdom.  Jesus said, “how hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!” (Mark 10:23).  And to remind us of the effort that we need to apply he said, “whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me” (Matt 16:24).  To be a growing disciple of Christ, without opening ourselves to the disciplines that will grow us is impossible.  As we grow we see more of the work of God around us in the world and deep within us; we develop a deeper heart love, commit and trust in God; we are more faithful, obedient and excited in responding to his call; and we have a deeper love and willingness to serve God’s people.

As I have said before, this purpose therefore becomes more than just something that applies to the church, it is something that is personal to each one of us.  The church is the sum of its individual members.  A question that I’d like to pose to each one of us at the beginning of the year is: What is your plan to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ this year?

In the coming week I encourage you to take some time and consider the answer to this question.  Consider changes in your attitudes, values and commitment.  This is more than just starting or stopping an activity.  It is about looking at what you do with fresh eyes and seeing where in your life you’re being challenged, confronted and invigorated in your relationship with Jesus.

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