The first is to give something up for Lent and then give the money saved to support our Community Helping Hand. We grow as disciples through the discipline of fasting as we rely ever more on the power of the Holy Spirit and enter more fully into the suffering and denial of Christ on the way to the cross. Through our donation to CHH, we share with the members of the congregation in embodying our faith in serving people in our community who struggle financially. Jesus calls his disciples to participate with him in the work of the kingdom.
The second is to seek God’s leading as we discern the names of those whom God is calling to serve as Elders and Church Councillors in this congregation. Through God’s involvement with his people he has raised up individuals to offer leadership to his people. In our reading last week in Numbers 11:16, 17 God instructed Moses to identify 70 men to share the leadership task of the Israelites in the land between. In Acts 1 the disciples needed to find a replacement for Judas Iscariot. After nominating two people who met particular criteria, they prayed “Lord, you know everyone’s heart. Show us which of these two you have chosen to take over this apostolic ministry, which Judas left to go where he belongs” (Acts 1:24, 25). We grow as disciples of Christ as we lean into God’s leading to discern and nominate those whom he is calling to leadership. We embody our faith as we act in response to God’s call and accept nomination. Today is the last day to make nominations. If you are reading this at home and haven’t yet made your nomination please email or ring either the church office or myself by Monday 2pm.
The third is to sign up to be part of an Explore Group that will meet for six weeks after Easter to share in a study called The Prodigal God. This study helps us look as the extravagant nature of God as found in the well known story of the Prodigal son. It is my hope that through this study that we will find a renewed understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. An Explore Group helps us to integrate our lives with the bible. I thoroughly believe that regular bible reading and discussion of its implications is an essential part in our ongoing growth in Christ. Please sign up to be part of an Explore Group and order a copy of the discussion guide in the foyer of the church.
I am very aware that life for many of us is very busy and that we have many commitments on our time and energy. However, I believe that at this time each of these three activities should be high on our priorities so that we may experience more of the transformation that Christ brings to us and this world.
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