Friday, November 2, 2012

Ministers Desk 4th November 2012

Christ is just like the human body—a body is a unit and has many parts; and all the parts of the body are one body, even though there are many” (1 Corinthians 12:12).  This speaks to me of the beauty, complexity and interdependence of the church.  The church, which is Christ’s body on earth is composed of many people, each contributing to God’s work in the way that we are gifted and called.  No one person can do it all and each person is needed to complete our ministry as a church.  During November we are going to acknowledge and celebrate the ways we serve and the contributions each of us make toward the ministry of Christ.


The nature of the church applies also within parts of the church.  Within groups and ministries individuals with different skills fulfil different roles.  This applies equally to the ministry team at Emmanuel.  Wendy, Harlee and I work together as a team in offering ministry, service and leadership to the congregation.  Through team ministry the skills and tasks of each member are complemented and we are able to concentrate on the tasks we are called to and to exercise the gifts that we have been given by God.  Some people may be unaware of the roles that we play in the church. 


Harlee is responsible for pastoral care and youth.  In this he seeks to facilitate our network of pastoral care for everyone by everyone.  In instances of acute need, and when asked for, he makes pastoral visits.  With the youth he is developing innovative models of youth ministry that develops practices of discipleship within our young.


Wendy is responsible for children and young families.  This year she has been leading a task group that has identified ways that our congregation can resource and ensure that the home is the primary place in which faith is nurtured and grown in our children.  She is also involved in Kidzone, Playgroup, Girl’s Brigade, Tiny Town and Kid’s Hope at Enoggera State School. 


I provide overall leadership to the congregation through Church Council and Elders.  Along with Team Leaders from Church Council, and others, I seek to provide ways for us to grow in our discipleship and express our purpose as a disciple forming community.


Being a team also means that we seek not to duplicate what each other is doing.  Even though Harlee and I are both Ministers of the Word and called to preach, you only get one sermon on Sunday morning.  It also means that we all don’t visit the same people, we don’t all attend the same groups and we don’t all become involved in the same activities.  This is not that we are not interested or don’t care, it is the reality of God’s work in and through this congregation.


I feel blessed to be part of this team and pray that we are a blessing to this congregation.  If you’d like to talk to anyone of us about our ministry roles, please feel free to contact us.  Our contact details are always on the back page of the notice sheet.

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