Friday, September 20, 2013

Ministers Desk 22nd September 2013

The call of discipleship is to follow Jesus with all that we are and have.  This includes our money.  In fact it is often hardest for people to follow Jesus with their money.  That’s why Jesus spoke about money more than he spoke about any other issue.  We speak about money a lot less than Jesus.  But once a year we take time in our church to reconsider our financial discipleship.  That time is now.  We each are being asked to reconsider how much we invest in the work of God through this congregation.  In doing this I ask you to prayerfully consider your financial investment in the work of God through this congregation.  As you do this consider the following biblical principles about giving.


1.      Give first to God.  Constantly, in everything we are called to give to God our first and our best.  Jesus tells us that the greatest commandment is to love God first above all others.  In the Old Testament the Israelites were commanded to give the first and best of their flocks and crops as an offering.  Giving first to God ensures that we don’t short change God by meeting our own needs first and then giving God what’s left over.

2.      Give as a proportion of your income.  In the New Testament Paul writes about the principle of proportionate giving.  In the Old Testament God indicates that he sees a tenth (a tithe) of our income is a suitable amount.  If you are not yet giving a tithe, the step up chart included in your stewardship letter may help.  It could be a big step from giving the proportion that you’re giving now to giving 10%.  To make the transition use the chart to identify the proportion you’re giving now and then add 1% to that for this year.  Then next year you can repeat the process, until you reach 10%.

3.      If you are not yet using direct debit, consider the use of that.  Direct debit allows us to constantly honour God with our giving, not just on those Sundays when we attend and give.  It is beneficial to our Treasurer in guaranteeing a steady income stream from which to budget and meet payments.  It reduces the work load and reduces the personal safety risk of those who count and bank the cash offerings each week.

4.      After you have considered the amount of your pledge record this on the pledge form included with your stewardship letter and return to the church by Sunday 29 September.  A high rate of return of these forms gives our Treasurer an accurate indication of income for the coming year so that he can frame our budget.  This is good and wise stewardship, because our expenditure is dependent on our income.

5.      Honour God by giving to him, through Emmanuel Uniting, with joy and thankfulness.  Giving our tithes and offerings is a further way in which we praise God and respond to his blessings in our lives.  In the same way that we get joy out of giving presents to others, we should get pleasure from giving our tithes and offerings.  The pleasure of honouring God, the joy of expressing our love and the delight of knowing that we have given a tangible sign of our love for the one who has loved us completely.


Please continue to invest in the work of God’s church, Emmanuel, through your tithes and offerings. 


Grace and peace


David Fender


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