Thursday, January 23, 2014

Ministers Desk 26th January 2014

Hello and welcome to a new year.  Already 2014 is shaping up to be a great year of discipleship and spiritual growth. 


At the end of last year many people reflected on the spiritual growth they had experienced during the year.  They named specific ways in which they had deepened their love for God, been stretched in their faith and grown in their understanding of their Christian life.  This growth has set us up well to continue this growth into 2014.


During the opening weeks of January youth from our congregation have attended three different camps.  We have heard some reports in our worship services, and will hear more, about the impact these camps have had.  Young people who have been touched by the grace of God, some for the very first time and been overwhelmed by the love that God has for them that is unconditional.  These have not just been mountain top experiences that will wear off now that they’re back to normal life.  These young people have been helped to continue their journey of discipleship and make their commitment to Jesus a priority in their life.  Please pray for all our youth and their leaders and their journeys of faith.


We have been blessed to share together in worship during January.  In a very tangible way we have demonstrated the unity of our congregation.  I want to thank Nathan, Barry and Dennis for leading our services during this time.  Thanks also to the musicians and other talented people who contributed in their own ways to our services.  I’m looking forward to the exciting ways that we offer worship throughout the rest of the year.


I’m also encouraged by the number of people who are returning from holidays and preparing again to serve God by serving other people.  They are returning with fresh ideas for existing activities and new ideas for new activities.  There are also people who are taking up new roles of service and others who are ceasing to serve after having served for many years.  To all these people I say thank you for hearing the whisper of the Spirit and responding to serve as he calls you.


As I say, 2014 is going to be a great year for our congregation.  Please make it great for yourself.  Ensure that this year you commit to growing in your faith.  Make attendance at worship a priority, be active in an Explore Group, have an area of service that stretches you to a God only space and share your faith with a pre-Christian friend.


On a more mundane note, you may have noticed that the church décor (pews, carpets, walls) is looking more tired and worn.  The Church Council has started a process of considering what needs to be done, how it will be done and how it will be paid for.  It is intended to start doing something this year.


Grace and peace


David Fender

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