Monday, June 2, 2014

Ministers Desk 1st June 2014

Have you spent some time reading some of the books in our church library?  The main part of the library is in the foyer near the Laurel Street entry.

On the top shelf of the bookcase are a number of books relating to evangelism.  As you think about engaging with a pre-Christian friend to share your faith, you might want to read some one of these books or use some of the resources.  For some of us, reading a book about evangelism might be the next step that we need to take.  It might help reduce our anxiety and open us to possibilities that we hadn't thought of.  Here are some of the resources that we have.

Starting point – a study resource to help people find their story in the midst of God’s story.  The book includes discussion and reflection questions.  It is designed to be used together with others.  Perhaps you could work through the book with your Brian (pre-Christian friend) and share your story within God’s story.

Out of the salt shaker – a book that highlights how evangelism is a lifestyle we live, not something we do.  Our lifestyle, choices, relationships and conversations are all used by God to bring people to faith.  This is a challenging book that goes to the heart of who we are.

How to talk about Jesus without freaking out – sometimes what holds us back in sharing faith is not knowing what to do.  This book provides a framework for having faith conversations.  Being prepared with what we may say in faith sharing conversations can give us the courage to enter into them and help make them more meaningful.

Just walk across the room – we studied this as a congregation a couple of years ago.  It may be time for some of us to revisit it.  The premise is that a life transforming encounter with Jesus for someone could start with us simply walking across a room and starting a conversation.  There are books, a study guide and DVD available.

Personal Disciple making – the point at which a person makes a personal commitment to Jesus is not the end of our faith sharing, it merely marks a significant milestone.  The new believer still needs to grow in their understanding of faith and the life Jesus calls us all to.  This book provides a step-by-step guide to how we may help our friend grow as a disciple.

Please take the time to look through the library and borrow one or more of these books.  As you read please be encouraged and moved to continue sharing your faith.  The news that we have is the best news of all, love and life with Jesus, forgiveness of sin and the promise of eternity.

Grace and peace
David Fender

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