Friday, September 5, 2014

Ministers Desk 7th September 2014

Being the Body of Christ, all people are welcome at Emmanuel Uniting Church.  In Christ there are no divisions, yet we recognise that as broken people we unintentionally create divisions.  So we make this commitment to including all people into this congregation.  So that this truth may be a reality for all people, we have developed this welcoming commitment.  When you read this, think of the possibilities that you have to welcome someone new into our congregation and give them a fuller experience of life in Christ.

Guests may feel anxious about entering an unfamiliar environment and meeting new people.  To reduce this anxiety we will seek to greet guests before they enter the building.  We will introduce ourselves first and try to know and remember your names.  We will listen to what you say, because you and your story are important.

Not all people will attend our church services as a family group of two parents with children.  All people and family groupings are welcome at Emmanuel.  The demographics of our worship services reflect this and what happens before, during and after the services will ensure that all people will know and feel that they are included.

Individuals will be welcomed for who they are.  Where possible we will introduce ourselves and get to know guests.  However, we will respect a guest’s desire to remain anonymous, if they value that.

We will provide amenities that help people of all generations participate in our Sunday services.  These include a hearing aid loop and an air-conditioned retreat room, if parents require it.

Knowing where to find, information, rooms and amenities helps people feel comfortable and included.  We will ensure that there is good signage to and around our buildings, that relevant information is displayed prominently and that there are people available who can answer any other questions.

We will provide high quality learning programmes for children during our 9:30 am service.  Children aged 3 years to year 12 in High School are welcome to attend.  We respect that this may not suit all families.  Children will always be welcome in our worship services.  Additionally, parents are welcome to attend the children’s groups if this is helpful.

Worship services are a time of gathered community.  We encourage all people to participate in the singing, prayers, sharing, giving and transformation.  Our worship leaders, preachers and musicians will endeavour to help us all participate.  We will not pressure any person to participate more than they are comfortable.

Grace and peace

David Fender

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