We have a wonderful and unique youth ministry here at Emmanuel. We have our brigades groups and we have our non-uniformed groups all of which are contributing to the overall ministry at our church. This week our ministers desk is a chance for our congregation to become a little more familiar with what we do.
Our Brigades programs.
Brigades is a highly structured international organisation that has been helping to disciple kids for over a hundred years. With a duel focus on fun and adventure brigades is a fantastic organisation for our young people to be a part of. Our brigades leaders are some of the most highly motivated and enthusiastic in our congregation and are responsible for much of the good work being done for kids who attend our church and others.
Our Church and Rec program.
Church and Rec is our innovative program for older kids. The goal here is to create space for kids who aren't connected to the church to engage with Christianity without confrontation. Young people are exposed to a culture that is increasingly hostile to religion and this has had a big impact on an entire generation of youth. Many are searching for meaning but simply don't feel comfortable coming into churches to find answers. So we decided we would go to them and offer them a place where they can have these conversations on their terms.
Our Church and Rec Bible Study.
September Camp saw many of our young people wanting to reach for more in faith. Our leaders have now responded to this need and are offering a Bible study program which would help these kids who are largely outside of our congregation to come and be more involved and connected to our community.
Our Clifface program.
Clifface is a program for youth close to the young adult age group which primarily looks at helping kids already established in the congregation with their faith walks. These kids are familiar with the “Christian slang” that we use and this group is great for kids who already attend church regularly, and want to connect with other people their own age.
Our Extreme program.
Extreme is a non-uniformed youth group which connects to our presbytery. It has a focus on devotions and games and several times a term the whole presbytery comes together to celebrate our shared faith and the vision of youth ministry for the Uniting Church.
Our team appreciates your continued prayer support for the various youth ministry activities, leaders, and kids across our whole youth ministry.
Grace and peace,
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