Growing Disciples who Exalt, Explore, Embody, Engage.
It is our belief that God has led us to this purpose, and that as we live it out more fully God will bless us more fully, both as his church and as his people.
This purpose provides a simple path for growth in discipleship by placing before us four key disciplines. These disciplines are regular and frequent participation in worship (exalt); membership of a small group (explore); at least one area of service that stretches us to a God only place (embody); and sharing our faith with someone believing that in Christ they will come to own their own faith (engage). The important part of these disciplines though is the spiritual growth we achieve through them, not in doing them alone. If we were just to focus on doing this, they would become merely works of righteousness, and Jesus has plenty of words to condemn these types of practices. If we see them as disciplines to lead us to a deeper relationship with God and reliance on his grace, they become activities of joy and pleasure that bring light into our lives.
Why these disciplines? Firstly, we can see them in the life of Jesus and the early church. The daily devotions that we used during August highlighted the biblical basis for these disciplines. Secondly, they are consistent with the character of our church. There is nothing new in these, except the emphasis we’ll place on them as means of growth.
Whilst the purpose is simple, it is in no way easy. To truly follow Jesus in the way that he calls us is more than we are able to do in our own strength. We must and will rely upon the Holy Spirit to empower us to move forward. At the same time, we will be aware of the grace of Jesus Christ that forgives us for those times when we haven’t been willing to follow him faithfully. We will also know the comforting embrace of God who accepts us wherever we are on our spiritual journey. We will become more aware of the life of Christ in us we loves us as we are, but loves us too much to leave us that way and provides for us the way into his future.
I said at the meeting last week that this purpose is not just something that the church will do. It is about who we are becoming. That means that it is up to each one of us to embrace and live it out. Many people in their feedback expressed the view that this purpose gave them accountability and a clear path forward in their spiritual lives. They recognised that mature believers in Christ take responsibility for their own spiritual growth. The leaders of our congregation will provide the framework around which we are able to grow, but ultimately it is up to each one of us to use the resources and disciplines that are provided and continue to grow in our faith and relationship with God. It is only as we do this that we will be able to say that we are living out our purpose and that it is a “success”.
Together in faith in Jesus Christ and the future he calls us to, we move into our new purpose as each one of us commits to being Growing Disciples who Exalt, Explore, Embody, Engage.
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