Friday, November 18, 2011

Ministers Desk November 20 2011

Last week I wrote about some of the steps we’re taking to help us better engage with families who present their children for baptism.  We offer baptism in response to the instruction of Jesus to his church, and as a sign of God’s inclusive grace into the Body of Christ, which is the church.  As we are aware in our own lives, the grace of God revealed to us in Jesus Christ calls from us a response.  This is the life of discipleship into which each one of Christ’s followers must continue to grow.  Hence our purpose of Growing Disciples who Exalt, Explore Embody, Engage. 

For some families who present their children for baptism, the response to discipleship is beyond what they are currently prepared to commit.  To provide a meaningful choice for parents the church also offers a service of thanksgiving for the birth of the child.  This takes place during a regular Sunday service.  The parents and child are presented to the congregation and prayers are offered on behalf of the family.  These are prayers of thanks for the birth of the child and prayers of blessing for the child and the parents as they build a future for themselves.  What is absent from this service is any question of a commitment or a response from the parents for themselves or on behalf of their child.  This is a time to celebrate and give thanks to God for the birth of a child. 

Making use of this service allows parents to authentically respond to God’s goodness in the birth of a child, without having to make promises that they may not be in a position to fulfil.  Parents also make use of this service where they wish to allow their child to make their own decision about faith in Jesus Christ.  These parents present their children in church, seeking God’s blessings on their efforts to raise their children in the life and faith of the Christian church.  Some regular worshipping members of our congregation have chosen this option for their children. 

A service of thanksgiving can take place in addition to a baptism.  We encourage families to have their child baptised in their local church, to facilitate the building of the relationship that is implicit in baptism.  Yet, the family may also want to present their child in worship at Emmanuel because they have family members or past connections here.  A service of thanksgiving would be an ideal way of maintaining connections with Emmanuel, whilst fully honouring the meaning and purpose of baptism through a growing connection with a local congregation where the family can grow as disciples.

I encourage you to continue to think how we live out and practice our faith as people who grow in the love and grace of Jesus Christ as his followers.  Many times this will require that we look again at our practices of the past and evaluate whether they are authentic reflections of Christ’s will for his church.  Where they are not, they take courage and resolve to align ourselves with his plan to grow disciples for his kingdom.

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