Thursday, April 11, 2013

Ministers Desk 14th April

In May we begin our whole of church study, Not a Fan.  This series involves participation in worship, Explore Groups and daily journal reading.  Each year for many years now we have had a whole of church study.  These have been great times of personal spiritual growth and growing unity in the church.  Many people in the congregation have appreciated that we are all studying, reading and talking about the same material each week.  They have appreciated being able to share with others what they’re learning in their groups.  Having the majority of church members participating in the same program for the same period of time has heightened our sense of community and fellowship.


The whole of church studies have also been the time when new Explore Groups have formed or members have joined existing groups.  Many of our existing groups have continued on from special purpose groups that were formed during a previous whole of church study.  Now is the time for people not in an Explore group to consider joining a group that will meet weekly for the six weeks from 5 May to 9 June and then to continue to meet weekly or fortnightly after that. 


Why would you do that?  At Emmanuel we believe that being part of an Explore Group is a key way in which we grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.  It was through similar groups that the early church first met and grew (Acts 2:42 – 47). 


When meeting in an Explore Group we take the bible and study it thinking through the implications for our lives.  This is different from a sermon where we are simply talked at.  It is also different from private devotions were we can wriggle out of the uncomfortable passages.  Through the discussions we hold and the vulnerability we display we are challenged in our discipleship.  The group can also serve to keep us accountable.


Prayer is a key part of a group.  A healthy group shares matters of deep concern and prays for these matters during the group and at others times during the week.  A key component of an Explore Group is confidentiality, so there is no danger of prayer points becoming general gossip.  We know and have appreciated the value of prayer support. 


Explore Group members find others ways to care deeply for each other.  By meeting regularly and sharing deeply, Explore Group members get to know each other intimately.  This enables them to provide a strong support base when one person is going through a troubling time in their life.  Words of advice and practical means of support are regularly given amongst members of our existing Explore Groups.  These networks of support help reduce the impersonal nature of a large church such as ours.  It is not possible to know everybody, but in an Explore Group we can be known very well.


Membership of an Explore Group provides many advantages that cannot be found anywhere else in our congregation.  We are people who are created for relationships and are constantly called to a closer walk with Christ.  In the next week please consider joining an Explore Group for the Not a Fan series.



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