Thursday, April 18, 2013

Ministers Desk 21st April 2013

Allow the children to come to me," Jesus said. "Don’t forbid them, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people like these children" (Matthew 19:14).  I think that it’s great that our congregation embraces this statement of Jesus in so many ways.  Through our groups for children and youth we are providing opportunities for children of our local community and church families to hear the good news of Jesus.  There is also the faithfulness of parents who prepare and bring their children to our groups and to our worship services.  Their faithfulness extends to the opportunities they take to develop their children’s faith in their homes.  Thank you to all who are involved in bringing children into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.


Each one of us in our congregation has a part to play in deepening the faith of children and youth, because we all affect the culture and environment of the congregation and the warmth with which children, youth and their families are welcomed and accepted.  Thank you for your willingness to create a welcoming church atmosphere that allows children and youth and their families know that this is a place for them to grow in their faith.


This culture does come at a cost.  Our worship services are not always silent, with little people making noises, wriggling and moving around.  We need to be extra vigilant in the car park and there is a need to look out for children running around in their excitement.  Catering for children means that there will be toys left lying around, things might be broken and the place may not always be as tidy as it could be.  There is the inconvenience of having to open and close the child proof gates.  Thank you for your willingness to put up with these costs.


Sometimes we might ask why we endure this cost.  Jesus helps us see that the kingdom of God belongs already to little children.  Children and youth are not here as an extension of their parents, because they can’t be left at home by themselves.  They are here because they belong to the kingdom of God and that Jesus Christ has died for them and redeemed them into his kingdom.  In living out the Great Commission we are called to make disciples of all people and teach them the ways of God.  Simply by giving children and youth an experience of a welcoming and inclusive church, we can help them understand Christ’s call on their lives and journey forward in their discipleship.


The reward that we get from allowing children to come to Christ is to see them growing as disciples who own their faith and take their place in the life of the church.  At present we have amazing young adults involved in our church as members of church council and elders; as worship leaders and musicians at the 9:30 and the 6pm services; and as leaders of our youth groups.  What is more, these young people are being a Christian witness in their places of work, study and leisure and actively living out their faith.  Thank you for what you have done to nurture these young adults to this stage in their life.


Grace and peace


David Fender

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