Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ministers Desk 28th October 2012

As October draws to an end, our Live Light in 25 words campaign also draws to an end.  I hope that during October you have been able to enjoy the blessing of participating in a daily habit of bible reading.  The Gospels make it very clear that Jesus was an active reader of the bible and that he used it to shape his character and mission.  For example, in the issue of the Sabbath he said, “Haven’t you read what David did when he and those with him were hungry?” (Matthew 12:3).  In the issue of divorce and remarriage he said, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female?” (Matthew 19:4).  In the issue of true worship and praise he said, "Haven’t you ever read, ‘From the mouths of babies and infants you’ve arranged praise for yourself’?” (Matthew 21:16).  In the issue of the resurrection he said, “Haven’t you ever read in the scriptures, ‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. The Lord has done this, and it’s amazing in our eyes’?” (Matthew 21:42).  And to the lawyer who queried him about eternal life he said, “What is written in the Law? How do you interpret it?” (Luke 10:26).  Time after time Jesus used and quoted scripture to help his listeners understand the way of God’s kingdom and their involvement in the world. 


In the world that we live in there are many messages that seek to influence the lives that we live.  Most of these messages would seek to take us on a path that is away from that of God’s preferable plan and purpose for our living.  There is only one way that we can stand against the way of the world and stand for Christ.  That is through immersing ourselves in scripture.  Through scripture we are given a picture of who God is and what he has done, is doing and will do as he acts in creation, redemption and sanctification.  Most importantly we are given the picture of who we can become as we are aligned with God’s will in our lives. 


If you already have a pattern of daily bible readings I encourage you to continue to practice it.  If you don’t I encourage you to develop and maintain a pattern.  Don’t do this as a rod to beat your back with and weigh you down.  Do it as a means of grace that gives you a clearer insight into the power and presence of God. 


Included in the notice sheet this week is an out of date copy of a Scripture Union daily bible reading guide.  You may want to start using it, don’t worry about the dating.  You might find that the style of this guide does not appeal.  There are many other guides written in different styles.  Take a visit to Word Bookstore at 442 Enoggera Road, Alderley and check out there range of daily devotionals.  Another alternative is Journaling.  Through this you read a passage and then, using some standard questions, write your own reflection on what God is doing.  Check out our website for more information and a reading guide.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Ministers Desk 21 October

Five Useful Apps for your Smartphone or Tablet

There are now more mobile phones in Australia than people, and many are web-enabled or smart phones.  So why not put your new smart phone or tablet to good use?  Check out these apps to help with your daily Bible reading or Explore group time.  Most are also available on a PC:

YouVersion.  View and download dozens of different Bible translations,  use a Bible reading plan, make notes about the text, and share your thoughts via social media.

WordLive.  This is Scripture Union’s online daily Bible reading guide.  Three variants are available and provide a variety of stimuli,  including pictures, music and videos


Olive Tree.  Purchase and view a variety of Christian resources, including Bibles, commentaries, maps, study guides, etc.


Logos.  Purchase and access a wide range of theological texts and commentaries.


Read a book.  No, this is not the name of an app.  But there are heaps of great Christian e-books available via the online book providers to help you grow in your faith.


Check out the Church website, .  There is some information on daily Bible reading and journaling.  We are continually uploading new resources, and links to other web based resources.  You might also like to check out the Bible Society’s Live Light in 25 Words campaign site, which has a significant amount of material, including some great talks by prominent Christians.


Nathan Robertson



Minsters Desk 14th October

Family Bible study

In Deuteronomy 6:5-7, parents are called to impress the hearts of their children with love for God. How can we possibly do this? God tells us to begin by talking as a family about God and His Word. Family bible study deepens and strengthens family relationships. Family bible study provides an opportunity for parents to take the lead in passing faith to their children and for the whole family together to grow as His disciples.


But where do you begin with family bible study? The hardest part of starting something is just that – starting! Here are some tips that might work for you:

* Discuss starting a bible study time with your family. Talk about the points below so everyone knows what is expected.

* Make this a priority in your family life and be consistent – stick with the same day and time, and start and finish at an agreed time.

* Agree together that this time is to be kept free of family complaints and arguments.

* Start small – don’t plan an hour long session with everything included! Go for a short time at first and build up according to the ages and stages of your children.

* Find a time and place that works best for your family – after dinner, first thing in the morning, or all snuggled up on the couch together.  Relax together and be natural!

* Share highs and lows with each other – ask each other “What was a high point of your day today?” then offer up a quick prayer, thanking God for all those things. Then say, “What about our lows? What were the hard parts of your day?” Again share with each other and then pray for God’s help with those difficult things.

* Read a small portion of the bible – maybe just a verse, a paragraph, a section. One person could read it out loud, or take it in turns – whatever works for your family.

* Ask questions such as, “What do you think that means?” “How does that apply to our life?”

* Offer a simple prayer thanking God for His word and then finish by thanking everyone for listening and taking part.

Sometimes our children will ask a tricky question and we don’t know what to say. That’s ok– you don’t need to know all the answers. You can say, “Great question! I don’t know the answer to that one! What do you think? Let’s see if we can find out more together…”

So give family bible study a go! This is your chance to share God’s love with your family, in a way that all members can take part, understand and enjoy. Have fun as you grow as God’s disciples!


Ministers Desk 7th October

This week has marked the first week of our Live Light in 25 words campaign.  Live Light is a campaign that encourages us all to develop or maintain a discipline of daily bible readings.  There are people in our congregation who have for many years read their bible daily.  In doing this they have been blessed by God with peace and certainty.  They have been given guidance in how to live and have allowed the reality of God’s kingdom to grow bigger and larger in their lives.


For all of us who have developed this daily habit it has not come easily.  Experts say that we have to deliberately work at do something regularly for 4 to 6 weeks before it becomes an ingrained part of our lives.  The reality is that for many of us we have the best of intentions of developing a pattern of bible reading but other pressures of life (expected, but more likely unexpected) crowd in and push out our best intentions.


Recently, when we went to the Solomon Islands I needed to take malaria tablets.  They had to be taken for 2 days before we left Australia, all the time we were there and then 4 weeks after returning.  I don’t have a regular habit of taking tablets, so this was not going to be easy to take them every day for 6 weeks.  Whilst we were there it was easy to remember them, I was very conscious about doing a lot of things differently.  But when we returned and I went back to routine, I knew that it wouldn’t be so easy.  However, I have a routine that I follow unrelentingly.  Every morning I have breakfast, and every morning I have weet-bix for breakfast.  So I built my new tablet taking habit into my already established breakfast eating habit and put the malaria tablet box into the weet-bix box.  Before I could take the weet-bix out for breakfast, I first had to take my malaria tablet.


Are you able to combine a new daily bible reading habit with an existing habit?  Like me, do you put your daily bible reading guide into your cereal box and do your readings whilst you eat your breakfast?  We can combine our readings with technology and have the Live Light campaign emailed to you every day, or you can like it on Facebook of there is an app that you can download to your smartphone or tablet.  Do you establish a time that you will read the bible every day, before you leave the house, in the train on the way to work, in the afternoon before you go for a walk.  The important thing is to ensure that it becomes a daily part of your routine and not something that fits in around the other activities that you have.


I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways. I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word” (Ps 119:15, 16).


A revamped website has a page for daily bible reading and journaling.  It contains suggestions on how to develop a pattern of daily bible reading.  There is also information on journaling and bible reading guides.  Check it out for more ideas and encouragement.