Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Ministers Desk 16th December 2012

The Church Council held its final meeting for the year on 19 November.  This meeting capped off a busy and productive year for the Council. 


Over recent months the Council has noted declining and erratic worship attendance figures.  We spent some time discussing possible reasons for these numbers and spent more time considering ways to address this.  Team Leaders presented reports on their activities for the previous three months.  These reports highlighted growth through our Explore Groups, that provide places for spiritual growth and pastoral care; developments in worship and personal daily bible readings; and the great time of community had at the church picnic. Team Leaders  are currently developing plans for 2013 that will bring further growth in our four focus areas Exalt (worship), Explore (small groups), Embody (service), Engage (Evangelism).


The Church Council discussed the sale of the old manse and purchase of a new manse.  The old manse at 253 South Pine Road sold on 23 November for $472 500 ($460 000 after commission and other expenses were deducted).  It is intended to buy a new manse for up to $520 000, with a budget of a possible further $30 000 to be spent on any needed renovations.  The congregation will need to enter into a loan for up to $90 000.  A manse search committee has been formed and are in discussion with real estate agents.  With the loss of the rental income from the manse, we are currently losing $200 per week.  Once a manse has been bought we should have an amount of $200 per week to service a loan.  This is the difference between the rent we’re currently paying for Harlee’s house and the amount of rent we were receiving for the property at 253 South Pine Road.


Arrangements are being discussed with an outside community group for that group to manage the bookings for the hall.  This arrangement will not affect the use of the hall by church groups.  However, it will affect the way that bookings are made.  It does not apply to other rooms in the church complex.  When the arrangements are completed it has the potential to increase the usage of the hall by outside groups, who will pay rental fees that will increase our income.  This is still being negotiated.


Over a number of months the Church Council has been working through procedures that relate to risk management and workplace health and safety.  As a Christian community of grace we have an obligation to ensure all people who participate in our activities are kept physically, emotionally, spiritually and sexually safe.  State Government legislation and Uniting Church policies place some very specific requirements on the congregation and certain individuals.  This means that we cannot avoid this area of life.  We have been looking at what this means and how we can comply with these requirements.  In 2013 we will be hold training and information sessions to let leaders and members of groups what their obligations are.


If you’d like more information about anything the Church Council has been discussing please contact myself or a member of Church Council.  Also remember that the minutes of the meetings are placed on the wall in the foyer nearest the kitchen.


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Ministers Desk 9th December 2012

As the year winds down most of our groups and activities are coming to an end for this year.  We’ve had some great things happen this year.  Some of them have been big and have involved the whole congregation.  Others have been limited to a few people participating in a group.  Take a moment and think of some of the highlights for you this year.  For me it includes the Solomon Islands partnership and our trip, the Boys’ Brigade trip, the worship service and the abundant generosity to provide money for bibles.  I’ve also appreciated the way that the Church Council and Elders have developed as teams and the discussions and decisions we have made.  I also appreciate my Explore Group and the depth of intimacy and growth that we experience together.


As a congregation we have done and achieved much this year.  This couldn’t have happened without the active involvement of many people in our congregation.  Leaders and helpers, servers and workers all add up together to allow our activities to take place.  This is the way that the church should be.  Christ’s vision for the church was that we would all take an active part, each contributing our gifts and skills and serving each other. 


Thank you for what you have done this year.  In whatever way you have served in this congregation, please know that you have helped make this a place where disciples can be grown and the message of Jesus Christ can be shared. 


Although most of us don’t serve with a sense of what we get out of it, there is something about the way we are built that values the appreciation of others.  We like to be thanked and we are encouraged to do more when we know that others appreciate what we have done.  So as the year comes to an end, I encourage each of you to overflow with thanks.  Take the time in the coming week to thank people for what they have done this year.  If you’re a member of a group, of the parent of a child in a group, thank the leaders of those groups.  If you’re a leader, thank the other leaders and the members for their contributions.  Notice the contributions that people make around the church and thank people for their willingness to turn up regularly and do little and big things.  Some jobs take place regularly and in plain sight, without acknowledgment. 


Our thanks can be shown in a small and deliberate conversation or written in a letter or card.  Thank the person for who they are not just for what they do.  Be sincere.  Don’t put others down when you’re doing it (eg “I like the way you do this, better than [insert name]”). 


As we affirm each other we will build our community and encourage each other onto more acts of service.