Thursday, June 26, 2014

Ministers Desk 29th June 2014

For a number of years now our Purpose, Growing Disciples who Exalt, Explore, Embody, Engage has been a significant influence in our life as a congregation.  It has helped shaped our activities and the emphasis that each group has.  The Purpose has guided our allocation of resources and indicated to us as a congregation what is important.  It has brought new people to our congregation as they have seen that we are serious about following the way and calling of Jesus.  At the moment we have two significant issues facing our congregation and our Purpose is helping shape the answers.

The first issue is the future shape of the ministry team with Harlee leaving in August and Matt going in December.  Instead of simply seeking two people to fit into these existing roles, the Church Council has commenced a process of prayer and reflection to consider how our ministry team can be a resource to help us continue to express our Purpose.  We have considered those ministry tasks that are currently undertaken by members of the ministry team and need to continue to be undertaken.  We have also considered tasks that no longer need to be undertaken by members of the ministry team.  Further to this, we have considered what tasks members of the ministry team need to pick up so that they can be a resource to help the congregation work towards its Purpose.  We are only in the early days of this process and further prayer, discussion and reflection needs to be taken.

The second issue is the development work on the church property.  Our church property is a valuable tool that is used to help us achieve our Purpose.  Buildings have a strong ability to shape culture and influence behaviour.  Buildings communicate to members and the community something about who we are, what we believe and what is important to us.  The property group has been considering how each area of our building and grounds contributes to our Purpose and how they can help us grow as disciples.  Again, like with the ministry team, we do not simply want to recover pews and replace carpets, but think strategically about how this resource may better enhance our life together and our discipleship.

On a different note, the Presbytery of Moreton Rivers will be conducting a consultation on the life and witness of our congregation from 19 to 27 July.  A consultation occurs is supposed to occur every five years (our last was 10 years ago).  It is designed with the intention of strengthening our congregation and giving hope for the future.  I see this as a very positive step to help us assess the effectiveness of our Purpose and how it is shaping our congregation. 

During the consultation members of the congregation will have opportunities for individual 20 minute meetings with the consultant as well as participate in group sessions.  The consultant will also meet with members of the wider community including other churches, schools, politicians and business owners.

Grace and peace

David Fender   

Monday, June 23, 2014

Ministers Desk 22nd June 2014

On Monday 30 June five members of our congregation (Barry Jardine, Maureen Witheyman, Anne Maloney, Lulu Shanks and myself) as well as a friend of mine (Tim Stanmore) will be leaving for a ten day trip to our partner church, Noro, in the Solomon Islands.

This will be our third partnership visit to Noro.  When we started this partnership we committed to it for the long term, recognising that some of the benefits that we hoped for would like time to come about.  As with any relationship it takes time and consistency to build up trust.  As we enter our fourth year of this relationship we are seeing the fruits our relationship.  There is a greater openness in our communication.  For instance, last year the Church Council Chairperson shared some deeply personal, church related business, which could have put him and his church in a bad light.  But because of our trust filled relationship he shared. 

In our trip this year we will be offering training in leadership; spiritual gifts; discernment of the Spirit; evangelism; child evangelism and preaching.  Our friends in Noro know about these topics, but have very little detailed information.  They have a desire to know more and we can help them.  When we visit this year we will meet the new Town minister, Rev Patrick Ngassi and the new pastor Benjiman Jino.  We will also renew acquaintances with many old friends from the congregation.

The best way that you can support this visit is through your prayers.  We will be very much out of our comfort zone in Noro and this requires that we trust the Holy Spirit more and more.  Please pray for our willingness to wait upon his provision and our faith to see the way that he will provide for us exactly as we need.  The local language phrase for this is Asa.  Please also pray for the strengthening of the Noro congregation and the relationships that we continue to build.  Pray for our safety and our families as we are away.

Not everyone in our congregation is able to go to Noro, or even wants to go to Noro.  Many of you have other mission partners that you support.  Frontier Services and Scripture Union school chaplaincy are some that some of us find worthy of our support.  The Leprosy Mission, Christine Bryant, Watoto and Amnesty International are some international mission partners that others find worthy of support. 

Wherever your interests and passion lie in mission I encourage you to foster that passion.  It becomes one more way in which we grow in our discipleship and embody our faith in service.  Become involved in the organisation, participate in their projects, attend meetings and offer constant prayers for the leaders and workers.  To do this involves an investment of time and energy that goes beyond a monetary donation.  Yet, it is only when we commit something that we value deeply that we experience the greatest transformation in our life and in the outcomes of the organisation that we support.  It is the mystery of the incarnation, that God came to us, that we are called to constantly live as we follow Jesus.

Grace and peace

David Fender

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Ministers Desk 15th June 2014

So far we have covered four of our six topics in our Fearless series.   We’ve looked at fear of death, fear of disappointing God and fear of not mattering.  We’ve also asked ourselves the question why we fear at all.  After all we follow a God who is strong and powerful, intimate and protective.  What is there that could possible overwhelm us when the God of creation, who has defeated sin and death is with us always?

Ultimately, what we find in Fearless is that the secret to conquering life’s fears begins and ends with Jesus Christ.  Without Jesus, we are hopeless to conquer fears.  Thankfully, Jesus wants every single person to know him and find peace through knowing him.  Only by trusting Jesus will our fears be stilled and our striving cease.  As a congregation our purpose is to be Growing Disciples who Exalt, Explore, Embody, Engage.  This is about a growing relationship with Jesus where we trust him more as we face the difficult and scary things of our life.

There is more to Fearless than the six topics that we’re studying in our Explore Groups and worship.  I’d encourage you to read the whole Fearless book and not just the six chapters we’re studying.  Topics like fear of violence, fear of not protecting our kids, fear of God not being real and fear of worst case scenarios are dealt with.

Max Lucado has such a comfortable way with words.  His stories are thoughtful and provoking, yet easy to read.   He has a comforting way about him, even as he discusses difficult life and death situations he does so with care and compassion always pointing back to the truth in the Bible.  He even candidly shares his own personal experiences throughout the book, his heart problem and subsequent surgery, the death of his brother, his daughter’s upcoming marriage and how keeping his eyes fixed on Jesus and keeping an eternal perspective helped him find peace during the storms of life.

Some of the topics he addresses won’t resonate with you, they certainly don’t resonate with me.  I’ve tried to imagine being scared of some of these things and just can’t imagine it.  But by reading about some other topics I’ve learnt new things about myself.  I’ve discovered that there are fears that lurk down deep within me and cause me to act and react in certain ways.  At other times as I’ve read I’ve been aware of fears that I hold and I’ve learnt ways to overcome them and live the courageous life that Jesus wants for me.

Life is an ongoing lesson about who we are and who we’re meant to be in Jesus Christ.  Be excited about what Jesus has to teach you through excellent resources like this book.

Grace and peace
David Fender

Friday, June 6, 2014

Ministers Desk 8th June

Last week David shared with the congregation that I have received a call from Albany Creek Uniting Church to join them as their minister in September this year. For Amy and I this has been a long journey and it’s actually a great relief to finally be able to share it with you all.

I’m excited about the things God has in store at Albany Creek but I also know that finishing at Emmanuel will be difficult.
Emmanuel will always be my first placement, where I shared in my first funeral, my first wedding, lead my first camp. So much of my ministry here has been a first for me and I’m sure at times this was painfully obvious. With that in mind I will always be grateful for the opportunity Emmanuel has given me to grow into my ministry and the grace you’ve shown me along the way.

There is much more that needs to be said but I’m going to save that for August when I actually leave, because it’s still three months until I go. I’m sure that time will pass all too quickly and there is still much to do.

It has, and continues to be, a privilege to serve at Emmanuel Uniting Church. I’m excited about the things God has in store for Emmanuel and I’m looking forward to still being a part of that until it is my time to leave.

Grace and Peace
Harlee Cooper

Monday, June 2, 2014

Ministers Desk 1st June 2014

Have you spent some time reading some of the books in our church library?  The main part of the library is in the foyer near the Laurel Street entry.

On the top shelf of the bookcase are a number of books relating to evangelism.  As you think about engaging with a pre-Christian friend to share your faith, you might want to read some one of these books or use some of the resources.  For some of us, reading a book about evangelism might be the next step that we need to take.  It might help reduce our anxiety and open us to possibilities that we hadn't thought of.  Here are some of the resources that we have.

Starting point – a study resource to help people find their story in the midst of God’s story.  The book includes discussion and reflection questions.  It is designed to be used together with others.  Perhaps you could work through the book with your Brian (pre-Christian friend) and share your story within God’s story.

Out of the salt shaker – a book that highlights how evangelism is a lifestyle we live, not something we do.  Our lifestyle, choices, relationships and conversations are all used by God to bring people to faith.  This is a challenging book that goes to the heart of who we are.

How to talk about Jesus without freaking out – sometimes what holds us back in sharing faith is not knowing what to do.  This book provides a framework for having faith conversations.  Being prepared with what we may say in faith sharing conversations can give us the courage to enter into them and help make them more meaningful.

Just walk across the room – we studied this as a congregation a couple of years ago.  It may be time for some of us to revisit it.  The premise is that a life transforming encounter with Jesus for someone could start with us simply walking across a room and starting a conversation.  There are books, a study guide and DVD available.

Personal Disciple making – the point at which a person makes a personal commitment to Jesus is not the end of our faith sharing, it merely marks a significant milestone.  The new believer still needs to grow in their understanding of faith and the life Jesus calls us all to.  This book provides a step-by-step guide to how we may help our friend grow as a disciple.

Please take the time to look through the library and borrow one or more of these books.  As you read please be encouraged and moved to continue sharing your faith.  The news that we have is the best news of all, love and life with Jesus, forgiveness of sin and the promise of eternity.

Grace and peace
David Fender