Thursday, August 4, 2011

Minister’s Desk

 At our congregational meeting on Sunday 31 July we introduced a new purpose for our congregation.  The purpose that we are proposing is Growing Disciples who Exalt, Explore, Embody, Engage.  This purpose comes as the next step on from the work we did in naming our Core Values.  These Core Values are important to our move into the future as they link us to the past and identify our DNA.

The Great Commission (Matthew 29:16 – 20) tells us that the role of the church is to make disciples.  Traditionally, and rightly so, this has been interpreted as meaning evangelism to bring others to faith in Jesus.  But the Great Omission is that we have failed to continue to grow as disciples.  Our faith and relationship with God is something that is to grow so that we are able to embrace more of the future that God has for us.  The parable of the mustard seed in Mark 4:30 – 32 show us this dynamic nature of growing faith.   Elsewhere in the New Testament we find other verses that remind us that faith is to grow.  Look up passages such as: 1 Timothy 1:6; 2 Peter 3:18; 1 Peter 2:2, 3; 2 Thessalonians 1:3.

Coming from this, it is proposed that our purpose as a congregation be to facilitate and encourage all people to grow deeper in faith as they enter more fully into the future that God has for them.  We propose to do this by focussing on four specific areas.  These were key features of the ministry of Jesus, were commanded of his to his followers and have been essential aspects of the ministry of the church throughout history.

We Exalt God in worship.  In worship we surrender ourselves to God, praise his name and experience the transformation of the Holy Spirit.

We Explore what is means to be a disciple by being part of a small group.

We Embody our faith where we are led by the Holy Spirit, to an area of service that stretches and challenges us to use our spiritual gifts.

We Engage with others by having at least one intentional relationship where we will share our faith, in the hope God will lead them to faith in Jesus Christ.

Should we adopt this purpose, it will see the energy of the congregation put into four activities – worship, small groups, supporting people in their service and relationship evangelism.  At the same time each member of the congregation will be asked to focus on four areas:

Find yourself frequently in worship

Be part of a small group

Have at least one role of service for which you need the Holy Spirit

Have one intentional relationship in which you can share faith.

Whilst this can make it look as though these are just four activities that need to be done, they are not.  These are four aspects through which we will grow in our relationship with God and enter more fully into his future.  The activities are not ends in themselves; they are the means through which we experience God’s transformation and growth into the new creations we are in Jesus Christ.  As such this purpose is more about the people and church we are becoming, than about the things that we will do.


David Fender

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