Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ministers Desk 13 November

Over the space of five months this year, the Elders spent time considering how we may better include baptism families into the life of this congregation.  Through our discussions we affirmed some core beliefs our congregation holds about baptism.  These are that in baptism we believe:

·         in the grace of God that reaches out to us before we are aware of him and which is available to all, as a free expression of the mercy of God. 

·         that baptism is a sign and symbol of this mercy, and that it is available for all, both adult and child.

Baptism is about incorporation into the Body of Christ, which is the church.  It is therefore about relationship and connectedness with Christ, his people and his church.  We see this each time we have a baptism through the promises and responses that are made.  When the Elders met to discuss, study and pray about this matter we sought to find a practice that honours our beliefs and maximises the opportunity that is presented to draw baptism families deeper into the fellowship of the church. 

To do this we are asking families to join with us in worship in the weeks leading up to the baptism.  This allows them to build relationships with other members of the congregation, and to become familiar with what happens in the service.  Greater familiarity will provide a more meaningful baptism experience for both the family and the congregation. 

We will also be spending more time with the parents in pre-baptism preparation.  At present we meet at least once with the parents to discuss the meaning of baptism and what happens in the service.  We will spend more time with them, helping them to have a greater understanding and ownership of the promises that they will be making in the baptism service. 

Following the baptism the Elder assigned to the family and others will be more intentional in maintaining contact with the family.  This will include making invitations to attend groups and activities.  The work of the cradle roll will continue with cards sent on the anniversary of the baptism, and an invitation to attend Kidzone issued when the child turns three years of age.

We hope to achieve two things through this.  The first is a stronger relationship between the church and the family.  This has always been our hope with baptism.  However, in very few instances have we seen this come about.  Now, we are trying something more intentional to see if it will bring about a different outcome.  The second is that it is part of our purpose of Growing Disciples who Exalt, Explore, Embody, Engage.  Baptism is not just a once off ritual that takes place and is forgotten.  It represents a stage of spiritual growth for the parents and child and we want to maximise this opportunity.  We partner with the Holy Spirit so that we he may bring about further transformation and growth in Christ’s disciples. 

1 comment:

  1. We are also offering a Thanksgiving service to those parents who do not feel ready to make the serious vows required of them at baptism. This is a further opportunity for us to show God's love to these families.
