Friday, December 16, 2011

Ministers Desk 18 December 2011

As this year comes to an end, it’s safe to say that this has not been easiest of years for many people.  Many people have carried burdens of grief and loss, others have lived with anxiety on behalf of others, some have struggled with health issues and the increasing burdens of growing older.  This year has also seen great celebrations, the birth of children and grandchildren, significant milestones of starting or finishing school, starting new jobs, celebrating significant birthdays and anniversaries.  For most of us though, the year has been both good and bad.  There have been high points and low points.  There have been experiences that we would never miss and times that we’d give anything to have avoided.

Whatever this year has been for you, I want to encourage you to “give thanks to the Lord, for he is good his love endures forever” (Ps 107:1).  Our growth in discipleship enables us to praise God and thank him in both the good and the bad that we have experienced.  We praise God because he has blessed us with the reasons to celebrate.  We thank God that he has journeyed with us in the times that have not been so good.  We praise God and thank him that we always have something good to look forward to.   

I believe that this has been a good year for our congregation.  We have seen God’s blessings in many different ways.  Some of my highlights include the increasing number of people offering to serve in leadership areas of our church, the increase in people participating in an Explore group, the establishment of the Boys’ Brigade company in Noro, the running of a youth Alpha course, the commitment and engagement that members of our congregation showed to ensuring the purpose we had identified was God’s purpose for our congregation and the great support that enabled Stephen to have his cochlear implant surgery.  This is not to ignore many other great but “ordinary” activities that have taken place as groups have continued to meet and undertake their activities.

Thank you for your contribution to our shared life together.  None of what we have done could have been achieved if it had not been for people willing to respond to the call of Jesus Christ and follow him his example of selfless service for others and commitment to the will of God.

My prayer for you now is that you will have a celebration of Christmas in which you are amazed again at what God will do to bring about reconciliation between himself and humanity.  As you experience again the wonder of Christmas, may you be challenged in your response to the God who gives himself to you.  In 2012 may you be filled with new life, experiences and blessings as you live your life closer to God.

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