Thursday, May 16, 2013

Ministers Desk 5th May





Our Not A Fan series started on Thursday with the movie screening.  It continues for the next six weeks through worship, explore groups and daily journaling.  The series challenges us with Jesus’ call to discipleship.  If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow me.”  (Luke 9:23).


The series challenges us to move from being fans (people who cheer from the sidelines) to being followers (people who participate committed to the ministry of Jesus).  As you reflect on this message, please remember that this is not a choice of two absolute ways of being.  We are not either a fan or a follower.  The life of a Christ follower can be seen as a journey that leads evermore closer to God to be shaped and transformed by the reality of the risen Christ.  Therefore as you participate in the Not A Fan series please always keep in mind that we are being asked to take more steps on our journey of being a follower and being led further away from being a fan.  The Basis of Union tells us that we are a pilgrim people always on a journey toward God’s promised end.


Not a Fan has been deliberately chosen to complement our purpose of Growing Disciples who Exalt, Explore, Embody, Engage.  The purpose encourages each individual and commits us as a congregation to be people who are continually growing deeper in our relationship with God and committed to his way.  This is the message of Not a Fan.  Please be involved in this series in every way that you can.


Since late last year a committee have been actively seeking to buy a new manse.  They have identified the essential and desired characteristics and distributed this to a number of local real estate agents.  Having looked at over 30 potential houses, offers to purchase have been placed on 2 houses.  In both cases the houses were withdrawn from sale.  The committee is finding it difficult to find a suitable house, within a reasonable driving distance of the church (15 minutes), that we can afford (up to $550 000).  The outcome is that they may have to look further out, where prices will be lower or the church council will have to consider increasing the amount we will borrow.  Please for the committee and the work that they are doing.  Pray that they will be led to the right house that God has already prepared for us to purchase.


We continue to look for a youth pastor.  The position was advertised with a closing date of 26 April.  No responses were received.  Please pray for the next step in seeking someone to join our ministry team.



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