Friday, March 28, 2014

Ministers Desk 30th March 2014

“Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you” (Hebrews 13:17).

Today, following last week’s election, we commission nine people to serve as leaders within our congregation. These people are Alison Anderson (Chair), Sonya Cornwell (Secretary), Barry Jardine (Treasurer) and Dom Chan, Rosemary Costello, Kristy Johnson, Nathan Robertson, Richard Robinson, Dennis Shanks (elders).  These people will serve on Church Council giving strategic, spiritual oversight to the future direction of our church.  They undertake these roles because we have discerned God’s call on them at this point in their lives.

However, they are not the only leaders we have in this congregation.  We are blessed with many individuals who offer leadership through our explore and engage groups, to our youth and children’s groups, in worship and in heading up significant areas of our church life.  The cost of leadership is not inconsiderable.  They give of their time, energies and finances.  They spend considerable time in prayer and preparation.  Their role requires them to make a commitment to attend at certain times that is often not replicated by members of the same group.  Yet, these people are essential for our church to function as it does.  Strong, servant hearted, Godly leadership facilitates us achieving the goals that we share together.

I therefore believe that we need to do all that we possibly can to honour and support our leaders.  Here are a few suggestions on what you could do to show your appreciation and support all of our leaders in their tasks.


1. Pray with them and pray for them


2. Be open, enthusiastic and willing to follow their leadership


3. Speak positively to others about them


4. Refuse to be drawn into negative conversations about them


5. Offer practical assistance such as baby-sitting, cooking meals, undertaking tasks


6. Thank them regularly and specifically


7. Affirm them with positive feedback


8. Stand by them in their decisions


9. Laugh with them in the good times


10. Cry with them in the bad times


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