Thursday, April 24, 2014

Ministers Desk 27th April

At this time of year our thoughts dwell on the resurrection of Jesus.  The cry echoes that Jesus is no longer in the tomb, but he has risen.  The gospels give us accounts of women and men encountering the risen Jesus and sharing in conversations with him.  We are told of meals of bread and fish that he shares with his disciples.  The early church believed that Jesus had returned to life.  Their belief was not that Jesus was still dead and that they saw only some spiritual, ghostly apparition.  Nor did they believe that Jesus had only passed out and appeared dead, and now had woken up.  The testimony of the gospels is that Jesus who was dead has now come back to life. 

The result of this amazing historical event causes the eye witnesses to run and tell others.  The gospels record Jesus giving instructions to his disciples to go and tell others “don’t be afraid. Go and tell my brothers that I am going into Galilee. They will see me there” (Matt 28:10).  They also record disciples telling each other, “Mary Magdalene left and announced to the disciples, ‘I’ve seen the Lord.’ Then she told them what he said to her” (John 20:18).  Whilst the resurrection of Jesus is an amazing occurrence, the reality and meaning of it need to be communicated.

The first disciples set that pattern of behaviour for us latter disciples.  Having had an encounter with the risen Christ, through believing rather than seeing, we are then sent out to lead others into an encounter with the risen Christ.  This pattern, of disciples making disciples, completes the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ.

At the beginning of the gospels he calls people to follow him.  They follow and are taught about new life in Jesus.  As they follow they grow in their understanding of Jesus as lord and master and commit themselves to him.  They are empowered and equipped for ministry and are sent out in the name and the authority of Jesus Christ.  The good news of the transformation that Jesus makes in this world is too good to be kept to ourselves.  It is news of joy and peace, comfort and courage.  It is news that transforms our present reality and gives us hope for the future that is yet to come.

As growing disciples who Exalt, Explore, Embody, Engage we commit ourselves to a journey of life in which we call others to discipleship in Jesus Christ.  To accept Jesus as lord and saviour means that we surrender our whole life to him, not just those parts that we find easy or comfortable, for many of us telling others about Jesus fits into the harder parts of growing as a disciple.  But it is only as we surrender our lives to Jesus that we really start to experience the full wonder of our resurrection faith.

Who is your Brian (your pre-Christian friend who you are deliberately engaging with, seeking to draw them deeper into a life of faith)?  Are you constantly praying for them?  What is the next step that you need to take in sharing your faith with them?

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