Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Ministers Desk 24th November 2013

For living creatures growth happens naturally.  If we’re not growing, we’re dying.  Our faith is a living thing.  It is planted in us by God and has the potential to grow.  Think of the times when Jesus talks about faith being like a mustard seed or a vine or a field or a plant.  Our purpose as a congregation is Growing Disciples who Exalt, Explore, Embody, Engage.  We have committed ourselves on a path towards growing our faith so that we can experience more of the love and grace of God, become ever more obedient to the call of Jesus to follow him and to an ongoing openness to the transforming work of the Holy Spirit.  The activities of our church focus on this purpose. 


After a year of growth and transformation I think that it is worthwhile to sit back and ask “how have I grown this year?”  There is an insert in this week’s notice sheet that provides you an opportunity for some soul searching to ask yourself about your spiritual journey this year.  This is provided purely for your own use. 


For some people their spiritual lives can sink down into a spiritual rut.  Their worship becomes monotonous, prayers become a recital of a list of needs, they read the same bible verses without any new insight and they go through the motions of service and outreach with a feeling of tiredness and resentment.  As they do this, they are also missing out on the renewing presence of the Spirit.  They fail to see his blessings in the faces and lives of those around them, they don’t hear his quiet whispers of hope and encouragement, they miss out on the refreshment he gives as they serve.  A spiritual life in a rut becomes a chore instead of the joy that life in Christ should be.  Taking time to review our spiritual journey puts things into perspective.  Now this is what the Lord Almighty says: “Give careful thought to your ways” (Haggai 1:5).


The insert gives you instructions on how to complete the review.  However, the benefit of the tool is to assess your spiritual journey over this year.  Feel free to ask yourself your own questions or only to dwell on some, not all the questions.  Ignore the tool and simply allow God to take your mind over the highs and lows of your journey.  Whatever suits you is best.  But please take some time to consider how you have grown as a disciple of Jesus Christ.


The Church Council met on Monday 18 November.  We agreed that starting in 2014 we would have a Youth Worker trainee.  This person would work 2 days per week in the congregation, in the area of children’s ministry and would also undertake formal offsite training.  The trainee would be paid up to $10,000 per year, for two years.  The Church Council believes that this role will add to our existing children’s groups and allow us to develop a much needed mid-week, after school group.  Following from the Congregational meeting and the establishment of new the Church Council structure the Church Council developed a role description for Elders and the guidelines for the Ministry Coordination Team.  It was with regret that we received the resignation of Barbara Young from Church Council.  Barbara has served on the Council for many years, first in the role of secretary and later as a member.  Her wisdom and insight will be sorely missed and we thank her for her service.  The Church Council was also pleased to appoint Mark Robinson to the role of Support and Resources Team Leader.


Grace and peace


David Fender 


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