Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Ministers Desk October 20th 2013



Over the last month and a half we have been considering a proposal to change the governance structures of our congregation.  Members of the congregation have discussed this proposal in their Explore Groups and have been praying and thinking about it individually.  On Sunday 27 October at 4:30 pm we will have a congregational meeting where the proposal will be discussed, debated and voted upon.  I want to share with you the essence of the proposal.


There will be one Church Council instead of the existing Church Council and Elders meeting.  The Church Council will consist of the Ministers in placement (as required by the Regulations) and a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer, who will be elected by the congregation into these roles.  In addition there will be 5 to 7 Elders elected by the congregation.  The primary purpose of the Church Council will be spiritual oversight.  Spiritual oversight ensures that the church remains true to the headship of Jesus Christ in all aspects of its life and that its members are growing in the faith of Jesus and responding to the call of the Spirit.  In essence the Church Council will have a big picture, future focus to their deliberations.  They will give attention to the type of church that we believe God is calling us to be.


In addition there will be a new Ministry Coordination Team.  This team will have power and authority delegated to it by the Church Council to manage day to day operations and activities of the congregation.  The Church Council will appoint Team Leaders for areas such as Exalt (worship), Explore (small groups), Embody (service), Engage (evangelism), Pastoral Care, Support and Resources and Community Life.  The Team Leaders will come together to coordinate their activities and work together on shared issues.  The Team Leaders will continue to have responsibility and authority to lead and manage the activities in their own areas of ministry.


If this model is adopted we hope that it will be better placed to work toward our purpose of Growing Disciples who Exalt, Explore, Embody, Engage.  The model will allow for people to use their giftedness and abilities in ways that are appropriate to them.  The model will avoid overlaps of responsibility and allow us to focus on both long term strategy and short term management.


During the consultation some other issues have been raised.  These include:

· Ensuring that we as the congregation elect the right people to Church Council.

· Communication between the Church Council and Ministry Coordination Team and between both and the congregation.

· Identifying personal and spiritual characteristics, including spiritual gifts, and responsibilities and expectations, that are desired in those who are elected as Elders and appointed as Team Leaders.


There is nothing new in these issues.  However, the change in structure raises them as issues that need to be considered.


Please continue to pray for discernment and wisdom as we approach our congregational meeting.


Grace and peace

David Fender


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