Thursday, June 26, 2014

Ministers Desk 29th June 2014

For a number of years now our Purpose, Growing Disciples who Exalt, Explore, Embody, Engage has been a significant influence in our life as a congregation.  It has helped shaped our activities and the emphasis that each group has.  The Purpose has guided our allocation of resources and indicated to us as a congregation what is important.  It has brought new people to our congregation as they have seen that we are serious about following the way and calling of Jesus.  At the moment we have two significant issues facing our congregation and our Purpose is helping shape the answers.

The first issue is the future shape of the ministry team with Harlee leaving in August and Matt going in December.  Instead of simply seeking two people to fit into these existing roles, the Church Council has commenced a process of prayer and reflection to consider how our ministry team can be a resource to help us continue to express our Purpose.  We have considered those ministry tasks that are currently undertaken by members of the ministry team and need to continue to be undertaken.  We have also considered tasks that no longer need to be undertaken by members of the ministry team.  Further to this, we have considered what tasks members of the ministry team need to pick up so that they can be a resource to help the congregation work towards its Purpose.  We are only in the early days of this process and further prayer, discussion and reflection needs to be taken.

The second issue is the development work on the church property.  Our church property is a valuable tool that is used to help us achieve our Purpose.  Buildings have a strong ability to shape culture and influence behaviour.  Buildings communicate to members and the community something about who we are, what we believe and what is important to us.  The property group has been considering how each area of our building and grounds contributes to our Purpose and how they can help us grow as disciples.  Again, like with the ministry team, we do not simply want to recover pews and replace carpets, but think strategically about how this resource may better enhance our life together and our discipleship.

On a different note, the Presbytery of Moreton Rivers will be conducting a consultation on the life and witness of our congregation from 19 to 27 July.  A consultation occurs is supposed to occur every five years (our last was 10 years ago).  It is designed with the intention of strengthening our congregation and giving hope for the future.  I see this as a very positive step to help us assess the effectiveness of our Purpose and how it is shaping our congregation. 

During the consultation members of the congregation will have opportunities for individual 20 minute meetings with the consultant as well as participate in group sessions.  The consultant will also meet with members of the wider community including other churches, schools, politicians and business owners.

Grace and peace

David Fender   

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